The Divers and Other Mysteries of Seattle by Jerome Gold



The Divers and Other Mysteries of Seattle (and California, but just a little): More Mostly True Stories by Jerome Gold
ISBN 978-1936364091

The Divers is a collection of 12 stories and two poems. The stories are equally divided between fiction and nonfiction, ranging from satirical to deadly serious, from sympathetic to nostalgic. Most of the stories in this collection include something of the paranormal or unusual natural phenomena.


“It’s always just when you are feeling particularly braced with things in general that this fellow Gold sneaks up behind you with a bit of lead piping. You’ll see what I mean when you read this book.”

—“Plum” Wodehouse

“I like Gold’s fiction for its austerity and I like his nonfiction because it doesn’t let fact fact get in its way.”

—Raymond Chandler

“As Dr. Gold has shown once again, the sanest and best of us are of one clay with lunatics and prison inmates.”

—William James

“This guy Gold is a real howl. What else can I say?”

—Allen Ginsberg

“Small books are so delightful. Much easier, by which I mean faster to read than large books.”

—Marcel Proust

“An excellent companion to young Gold’s The Burg and Other Seattle Scenes, and an equally excellent aid to species survival.”

—Charles Darwin

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