Terminal Weird by Jack Remick



Terminal Weird by Jack Remick
ISBN 978-0930773342



“The stories in ‘Terminal Weird’ take place somewhere between Hieronymous Bosch’s garden of hellish delights and Philip K. Dick’s cities of psychotic androids. Jack Remick’s sharp, tough, street-wise prose muscles through the smash hits: birth, death, lust, gender and punk rock. Two particularly great ones are ‘Horse,’ a frightening explosion of the Holy Grain legend, and ‘Fish,’ a century-spanning fear-and-loathing on the God trail. Not only that, but they’re really funny, too.”

—Rebecca Brown, author of Annie Oakley’s Girl and The Haunted House

“‘Terminal Weird’ is up-top work, lush with images on paper that evoke equally powerful images. This is magical realism visited by Franz Kafka. Each story is an explosion, a new vision into a surrealism that makes one look up from the book every so often just to make sure nothing funny’s going on. I read the whole book through in one sitting.”

—Donald McQuinn, author of Wanderer and Warrior

“The writing is raw, magical, surreal Kafkaesque, Kerouistic, wonderful. As the stories dive deep, crossing the turf of the unconscious at warp speed, archetypes blossom, glow, grin, and then explode. With ‘Terminal Weird,’ Remick challenges fiction writers in the nineties and beyond: move it, he warns, or die.”

—Robert J. Ray, author of The Weekend Novelist

“Remick’s motley characters vibrate with archetypal energy from the cultural fringe. These stories burst with witty social satire and provide a whimsical look at Psyche’s fantastic and wounded playground.”

—Joanne L. Craig, Ph.D.

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